Colors 2018
Carroll College
Kinsey, Brenna
Bongolan, Aiko
Griffin, Amber
Charlton, Bret
Offt, Cassandra
Marietti, Danielle
Hoosei, Ellie
Eodice, Faith
Farkas, Gretchen
Date of Issue
Subject Keywords
Other Titles
The Room Where We Live, Brenna Kinsey 9;
The Old Chevy, Aiko Bongolan 22;
Together, Amber Griffin 23;
Everything, Anonymous 23;
Faith, Hope, and Love, Bret Charlton 25;
The Dead White Guys Who Run My Life, Cassandra Offt 25;
The Great Blue, Danielle Marietti 26;
Life Changing, Danielle Marietti 27;
Don’t Be Mad, Ellie Hoosei 29;
Falling Asleep Smiling... and Other Things I Do Regularly, Faith Eodice 30;
Eime Green Ribbon, Gretchen Farkas 32;
Sift, Isabella Minudri 33;
Tell Me About Yourself, Isabella Minudri 33;
To Him, Isabella Minudri 34;
Woman’s Legacy, Jessica Sekerak 36;
Perception, Jessica Sekerak 37;
I Want to Tell You About Balance, Libby Damon 38;
Seattle Winds, Mallory Arbizzani 40;
Summer Dreams, Mallory Arbizzani 41;
eclipse, Theresa Trinh 42;
Forest Fire, Tommy Le 42;
Choice, Tommy Le 43;
I Tried, Tommy Le 45;
You Are the Rain, Tommy Le 45;
Ode to Autumn, Whitney Bowditch 46;
All, Kristina McGee 47;
Photography, Bridgette Hughes 47;
The Time it Takes to Boil Water, Cassandra Offt 49;
Much Ado About Frosting, Isabella Minudri 52;
Faith, Family, Farmer, Jessica Lewis 55;
Chattahoochee, Rhiannon Sturgess 57;
Early Childhood, Samantha Reed 59;
The Perpetuation of Abuse in YA, Samantha Reed 62;