The Effects Of Azathioprine On Differential Leukocyte Counts In Mice
Roche, Patrick
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Twenty-four, ten to fifteen-week-old. C3H.SW female mice were used to determine the effects of azathioprine on differential leukocyte counts. Three groups consisting of six mice each were given various dosages of azathioprine for a period of twelve days. Six control animals were administered saline for the same period. The first experimental group received the recommended dosage of azathioprine (0,04 ng/iO g body weight per day); the second group received one and one-half times the normal dosage; and the third group received two times the normal dosage. Blood smears were taken from each of the animals for three days prior to the injections and every day during the injection period. These blood films were then stained with Wright's stain and differential counts of these cells were carried out. Experimental evidence suggests that azathioprine, when injected intravenously to mice, results in a fall in lymphocyte percentages of total leukocyte populations and a corresponding rise in neutrophil percentages. With regard to monocyte, eosinophil and basophil percentages, changes due to the injection of azathioprine were negligible.