The Art Of Listening And Its Effect Upon the Education Of The Elementary School Child
Toeckes, Isabelle
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We, as Americans and citizens of the United States of America, are classified in a special group concerning our ability to listen effectively. Mediocrity describes the level of this classification because we fail to listen attentively. We cannot place the blame on any one system or institution. This lax listening trend prevails throughout our great country. We are an educated citizenry but still lack acuity in this fundamental skill.
Listening is an art. As does any other art, it requires cultivation. To grow in the art of listening; this is a stepping-stone to growth in other areas of the curriculum. Recent investigation in our schools reveals the fact that we need training in listening. To develop any skill requires practice and patience. Listening, as part of the language arts program,l necessitates skill which, in turn, can be developed by a program of systematized instruction.