A Systematic Review of Arthroscopic Drilling in Adults with Knee Osteochondritis Dissecans
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Trogstad, Carly
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Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment , Medicine and Health Sciences , Musculoskeletal System , Rehabilitation and Therapy
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This systematic review was conducted to determine if arthroscopic drilling is an effective treatment option for adults with osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. Articles were screened on the PubMed database for relationship between arthroscopic drilling and change in symptoms of knee osteochondritis dissecans in adults. The main result found was that arthroscopic drilling commonly results in a decrease in symptoms for knee osteochondritis dissecans in adults. Five of eight articles found a relationship between drilling and a decrease in lesion size, along with improved post-operative evaluation scores. One other article found that drilling is not the best option for adults. The last two articles were inconclusive. More research needs to be done for physicians to make the proper treatment plan for adults with osteochondritis dissecans. Keywords used for the search were: adults, knee, Osteochondritis Dissecans, and arthroscopic drilling.