The Bahamas: A Step Toward True Independence
Lightbourne, Crystal
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From the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, to the granting of the Independence Constitution in 1973, the Bahama Islands were under the domination of a foreign power— Britain. The other country that at times attempted to gain control of the islands was Spain. She was usually not successful, but when she was it was only for short periods at a time. Therefore, discounting the truly independent period prior to the arrival of the Spaniards in the New World, it can be said that only in the last seven years have the Bahamas in theory been independent. As an independent nation the Bahamas are one of the Third World countries and, as such, shares their aims. This includes having as little dependence as possible on outside countries. It also involves the avoidance of past experiences whereby directly or indirectly the countries were controlled as pawns by the more developed nations. Another goal of Third World countries is to avoid the loss of national identity while trying to develop the country economically.1 It is in following these aims that the Bahamas can achieve true independence.