Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Kromer, Sarah
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is often misunderstood with many stigmas associated with the illness itself. Healthcare providers are undereducated on posttraumatic stress disorder, resulting in less than optimal care, and a lack of a holistic approach. The purpose of this research was to identify the knowledge levels of healthcare providers, common misconceptions, and stigmas associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and assess the effectiveness of an educational program regarding posttraumatic stress disorder. The sample used for this research included nine staff whom were employed for a minimum of three months at a residential home for pregnant or parenting young women ages 12-21 in Montana. The participants in the sample were all female, from varying educational backgrounds, positions, and length of employment at the facility. A pre-test of 20 questions regarding general posttraumatic stress disorder information, misconceptions, and stigmas was administered ten minutes before the educational program, and a post-test of the same 20 questions was given immediately following the educational program. The educational program consisted of a PowerPoint and lecture which included information correlating with the questions on the pre-test and post-test. Prior to the educational program, the mean pre-test score was 72%. Following the educational training and administration of the post-test, the mean test score was 83%.