The International Monetary Fund

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Van Peteghem, Arnold

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue

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This is a brief study of the International Monetary fund set up by an International Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, U.S.A., in 1944, shortly after the second World War. It was intended to regulate international monetary policies in the best interest of world trade, production and mutual exchange of goods. In the first chapter, I deal with certain important aspects of similar monetary cooperation in the past, fix the second chapter is explained the general situation around which the Bretton Weeds Plans were developed; the purposes of the Fund are explained here in detail. The third chapter explains the organization and techniques of the Fund in working with its members? it also gives the reader an idea about the extent of its transactions up till now. To what extent the Fund accomplished its purposes in the international monetary situation of today 16 explained in chapter four, finally, chapter five is an elaboration on some valuable criticisms of the Fund.This is a brief study of the International Monetary fund set up by an International Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, U.S.A., in 1944, shortly after the second World War. It was intended to regulate international monetary policies in the best interest of world trade, production and mutual exchange of goods. In the first chapter, I deal with certain important aspects of similar monetary cooperation in the past, fix the second chapter is explained the general situation around which the Bretton Weeds Plans were developed; the purposes of the Fund are explained here in detail. The third chapter explains the organization and techniques of the Fund in working with its members? it also gives the reader an idea about the extent of its transactions up till now. To what extent the Fund accomplished its purposes in the international monetary situation of today 16 explained in chapter four, finally, chapter five is an elaboration on some valuable criticisms of the Fund.








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