A Systematic Review of Drug Treatments for Labor Dystocia
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Romero, Anna
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Dystocia is a condition that affects pregnant women and is considered difficult, prolonged labor. Typical aspects of dystocia include slow progression of cervical dilation, inadequate contractions and pushing, and generally poor uterine action. This strenuous process can negatively affect both the mother and infant, often leading to adverse outcomes. Three treatment options are commonly conducted when addressing this problem: labor augmentation through the use of drugs, instrumental assistance, and cesarean delivery. This study will be focusing on the former intervention. Currently, oxytocin treatments are most common to treat labor dystocia. However, a relatively new treatment, sodium bicarbonate, has been tested on pregnant, dystocic women.
The purpose of this study is to determine if a new bicarbonate treatment could be a beneficial addition to the labor process, resulting in better maternal and fetal outcomes, compared to the exclusive use of oxytocin. The goal is to provide insight into other effective treatments for dystocia and give laboring mothers another non-invasive option for delivery. This information can be beneficial for healthcare providers as they are deciding how to best care for their patients and potentially decrease the incidence of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Furthermore, this study is meant to provide direction in the research aspect of labor and delivery, leading to a favorable advancement in this healthcare field.