The Bio-Psycho-Social Model Of Healing Narratives: Sifting Through The Abstractions Of A Nascent Mind
Harpole, Flannery
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This thesis explores the effects of significant events in my life that have shaped my personality. By writing about events in a narrative format, I have used techniques of creative writing to illustrate elements of interest in a clinical psychology approach. Using the Bio-psycho-social model, I divided these events into vignettes that were placed under one of these categories: biological processes, psychological processes, or socio-emotional processes. Using this style helped me to tease apart events and work through them as a person would be required to do in pursuit of a Masters in Counseling Psychology. In using both a clinical format and creative writing, I distanced myself from highly emotional events in my life and looked at them from an elevated perspective, allowing a natural transition from merely remembering events to actually understanding, accepting, and embracing their impact on my life. This thesis solidifies the needs that I had, as an incoming student to Carroll, to identify and overcome the nameless instability that lingered after high school. This academic memoir shows the emotional process of self- discovery that is essential for any person pursuing clinical therapy.