Exotic Animals From A To Z: A Picture Dictionary For Mentally Retarded Junior High and High School Students
Flaim, Mary
Date of Issue
Subject Keywords
Other Titles
The purpose of this animal picture dictionary is to teach and develop in the educably mentally retarded student the skills of alphabetizing, recalling facts, defining terms, finding the main idea and msxingiinferences. Included in the body of this dictionary are fifty illustrations and fifty descriptions. Each illustration is drawn in black India ink with a Hunt-Globe Pointed pen nib using a cross-hatch/line style. Each description is a half page to a page and a half in length. The Lorge Readability Formula was applied to each description in order to insure that the reading material is well within the capabilities of the educably mentally retarded student. The Lorge Readability Formula was chosen for three specific reasons which -are;: it' has,, "a reLiability of .88," the' ' ease with which it can be applied, and its simplicity. , The formula is:."Find the average sentence length and multiply by .06. Count the number of prepositional phrases per one hundred words and multiply by .10. Then, count the number of words not found in the Dale List of 769 Easy Words and multiply by .10. Ad’d up the figures in steps 1,2 and 5 and add 1,99—the number obtained is- the grade placement 2 of the reading material." The readability range of this dictionary, as measured by the lorge Readability Formula, is between third-grade ninth month and fourth-grade third month. This dictionary is designed and written for the junior high and high school educably mentally retarded student. 3 This student usually has an "IQ between 50 and 75," as measured by either the Stanford-Binet or Wechsler intelligence test. His grade level can range from the second to the sixth grade. Likewise, his academic and reading levels may range from the second to the sixth grade level. The learning characteristics of the educably mentally retarded student include: "a short attention span; delayed and retarded speech; difficulties in using complex clauses and subject elaboration; inability to transfer from shortterm to long-term memory; inability to use rehearsal strategies(to talk to oneself about the material learned); poor arithmetic reasoning; a need for structure and simplified and concise directions; visual orientation; and finally, a need for a great deal of repetition."4