Predator-Prey Simulations
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O'Connor, Joe
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Representing our reality is the goal of simulation for computer scientists. This is done for many reasons, but my reason is just to show I can abstract the fundamental attributes of animals in a system. I decided to take baby steps to get this program fully running, starting with what I thought the simplest of motives for these creatures were and then building upon those till I had satisfactory chases. These programs, or classes in Java, built upon previous programs to create more complex actions and rules for choosing action. The creatures in this thesis come from the same constructor class. They are made individual by having different values assigned to their attributes. For instance, one may be faster than another or be able to sense another creature coming from farther away. The creatures act in each program based on four fundamental properties: 1) They are points in the world 2) They move in the world in 3-dimensions and there are no boundaries or conditions that inhibit them from moving in one better than direction the others. 3) They move over discrete time. 4) After a certain amount of time their energy runs out and they die. Program 1: Immobile Creatures The foundation I chose to start on for these creatures was the reason for them to eat. This cause is the loss of energy over time.