Analysis Of The Text Economics: Principles, Problems, And Policies From The Viewpoint Of Christian Social Thought
Harrington, James
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In this work it is the intention of the writer to investigate the treatment of vital moral and ethical questions in a text written by Campbell R. McConnell which apparently exemplifies the bulk of today's study material in introductory economics. Because of the importance in the development of the young student's mind, this beginning text has been chosen in preference to an upper division course. The writer shall proceed from the viewpoint of Christian Social thought in an attempt to answer the question: Can today's student find in his economics textbook sufficient proof to substantiate the fact that Christian Social principles must exist in economic life? The criteria according to whom this judgement shall be based are: private property, the role of government, foreign policy, wages, and labor association. The rights and duties of man in regard to these issues are discussed at length in the social encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XI and Pope John XIII, and thus they shall be consulted as primary sources of reference.