From Depression Through War: Carroll College Under The Presidency Of Emmet J. Riley, 1932-1951
Dorroh, Robert
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It had been suggested to me in the fall of 1983 that a good history of Carroll College had not, as yet, been written. This fact challenged me to write my honors thesis in history about some aspect of Carroll College. The initial problem I encountered was narrowing down this topic so that the project would not become too broad and cumbersome. After doing some initial research, I decided to focus my thesis on the presidency of Monsignor Emmet J. Riley because his tenure as president was the longest in the college's history. Moreover, he guided Carroll College from the Great Depression through World War II, years which nearly saw the college close due to lack of enrollment and the subsequent financial hardship. Instead of doing a chronological history from 1932 to 1951, I chose a topical approach of historical development. I began in the first chapter with an account of the origins and development of Carroll, formally known as Mount St. Charles College. In the following chapters I proceed to give a brief biographical history of Monsignor Riley, and then chart the development of the students, faculty, and curriculum at Carroll during Riley's administrative years between 1932 and 1951. <br /> The purpose of this paper is to help those interested in Carroll College history to understand the school's present situation through a study of its past. It is my hope that, after reading this thesis, readers will be enriched by the efforts of those who preceded us and helped to make Carroll College the successful educational institution it is today.