The Effects of Implementing TeamSTEPPS in Emergency Departments
Wilkerson, Abigail
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Medical errors are currently the third leading cause of death in Americans (McMains, 2016). It has been shown that the greatest number of medical errors happen in fast-paced settings such as the emergency department (ED) with the greatest cause of medical errors being poor communication and teamwork. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) set out to amend those flaws and improve the healthcare system. Thus, the Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) program was created. TeamSTEPPS is a systematic, evidence-based program that delivers structure, safety specific dialect, and communication strategies to individuals and teams in an attempt to create a culture of safety to its users (AHRQ, n.d. para 3).The purpose of this Evidence Based Practice Review is to explore if implementing a TeamSTEPPS program in an emergency department improves communication and teamwork among healthcare staff. Communication is essential in the healthcare field with nurses being the central hub of patient care. By learning and utilizing evidence-based communication strategies and integrating them into practice at the workplace, nurses can ignite the change they wish to see and to reduce harm to patients, save lives, and do their part to create a safety of culture in healthcare.
Discovery of the effects of implementing TeamSTEPPS, a communication workshop, among healthcare staff in an emergency room setting.