The Emergence Of Freedom In Communist East Europe
Gallus, Charles
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This thesis will attempt to examine the phenomenon of the emergence of freedom in the nations of Communist East Europe. All eight countries that comprise the buffer zone between Soviet Russia on the east and the free nations of Western Europe on the west will be examined. They includes East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania. The type of freedom to be examined includes political, economic, religious, cultural, and social freedom, with the primary emphasis to be placed upon political freedom. The thesis will examine the comparable rates of free development among the different nations, noting that Yugoslavia, Romania, and Czechoslovakia are the nations proceeding at the fastest rates; that Poland and Hungary are nations proceeding at considerably slower rates; and that East Germany, Albania, and Bulgaria are the nations proceeding at the slowest rates of all of the eight nations to be examined. The structural organization of the thesis will be based upon eight major divisions. They includes Introduction, Origin, History, Development, Controversy, Progress, Philosophy, and Conclusion. The Introduction - will introduce the topic of the emergence of freedom in Communist East Europe, especially as that trend has become markedly pronounced in the last three years (1965 - 1968), while noting that this trend has been drastically aitigated by the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia on August 20, 1963. The Origin - will treat the Communist takeover of all the eight Eastern European nations immediately following World War II. The History - will treat the outstanding historical events in the Communist East European nations from 1945 to the present (1969), including the East Berlin uprising of 1953, the Hungarian revolt of 1956, and the recent developments in Yugoslavia, Romania, and Czechoslovakia (1965 - 1968). The Development - will parallel the History in showing how political, economic, religious, cultural, and social freedom has developed in Communist East Europe chronologically, from 1945 to 1969. The Controversy - will deal with the actual struggle between the Communist East European nations and the Soviet Union, between and/or among the different nations themselves, and between and/or among different pactions within each of the various nations. The Progress - will examine the noteworthy accomplishments of the Communist East European nations—especially Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania—in the now-recognizable movement toward freedom in that part of the world. The Philosophy - will advance my theories on what America should do to encourage the movement toward freedom in Communist East Europe. And finally, the Conclusion - will represent a brief summation of the first seven major divisions and will conclude the thesis.