Old Age Assistance In Montana Prior To And Under The Social Security Act
Tuttle, Ferson
Date of Issue
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The purpose of this thesis is to give such information as is available and as is deemed necessary concerning the provisions made for old age assistance in the "Public Welfare Act" of Montana under the federal "Social Security Act." However before this is done it seems to be a decided help, in the way of explanation, to give a brief review of the introduction of as well as the provisions of the first old age assistance law passed in Montana. Statistics will also be given to show the development of this first plan, and certain good points and inadequate features will be pointed out.
Next a review will be given of the second old age assistance law passed in this state in 1935, in anticipation of the federal act. In this part some of the outstanding provisions will be given in order to show the change from the first law.
Then in the following part, there will be given a review of Title I, of the "Social Security Act" and of Montana's new "Public Welfare Act" and what has been done to date in putting the new plan into operation.
Finally a brief summary will be given concerning the progress of the caring for the needy aged in Montana.