The Birth of Saints TV: Part I Starting from Nothing: Initial Planning of a Student-Produced TV Show August 1999-August 2000
Search, Sarah
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Carroll College and Sunbelt Communications joined together in 1997 to bring the NBC-affiliate KTVH to the Carroll College campus. The final contract between Carroll College and Sunbelt was signed on September 24, 1997. In August of 1999 the station held its grand opening and began broadcasting. The television station had the potential to provide Carroll with the opportunity to expand its Department of Communication Studies by offering broadcast media as a concentration within the major. The station also provided the college and the Catholic Church with increased opportunity for promotion through public service announcements. Faculty, staff and students have all shown support and enthusiasm for the station’s potential to enhance the college. Through research and planning, Department of Communication Studies head Brent Northup, along with students Blair Williams, Deedra Prevost and Sarah Search, organized and developed a production team of students. After much research and training, this team of students produced a pilot for the Saints TV show to present to the Carroll administration. In this thesis, I trace the history of the project beginning with the initial contact between Jim Rogers, owner of Sunbelt Communications, and Carroll College to the fall semester of 2000. During this time, research and planning for the program was completed. Deedra Prevost begins her thesis where mine ends, fall semester 2000. Prevost reveals the training of the crew, traces the production of the pilot, and reports on the community feedback concerning the pilot.