Photoelectrochemical Oxidative Homocoupling of 1-(2-thienyl)pyrene
Dobrecevich, Austin
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In this project the goal is to begin research on a more sustainable form of energy. The sun’s energy is harnessed in many different ways, and we are trying to use this energy to synthesize a storable fuel. Using the sun’s energy, we can make a monomer dimerize, then this product can be collected, and is stable. This dimer can then be reacted to produce the monomer, and the reaction energy can be harnessed. Then the reaction scheme can begin again. This reaction is all done with a transparent semiconductor, a fluid containing the monomer, and light. The valence electrons are absorbed by the transparent semiconductor’s conduction band, and thus radicalizes the pyrene-1-thiophene. This radical pyrene-1-thiophene then dimerizes producing our desired product.