Evaluation Of The Inhibitory Effect Of Trimethoprin Lactate In The Modified Thayer-Martin Medium In Cultures Of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Bennett, Laura
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The inhibitory effect of trimethoprin lactate in the Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM) media on the growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae was studied. Clinical isolates were first screened for sensitivity to growth on the MTM media. Specific organisms appearing to have a sensitivity to the screening process were tested. The tests consisted of inoculating MTM, chocolate and MTM without trimethoprin lactate. The media were observed to detect differences in size and number of colony growth at twenty-four (24) and forty-eight (48) hours. The results show a definite decrease in growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae on MTM in the first twenty-four hours. However by forty-eight hours growth between MTM and MTM without trimethoprin lactate is approximately equal.