Living with Anorexia: A Case Report
Connor, Robin
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Eating disorders have recently become one of the most prevalent diseases affecting adolescent girls. The National Eating Disorder Association estimates that 10 million females in the United States have an eating disorder; however due to the stigma surrounding the condition, many more people likely suffer from eating disorders that have not been diagnosed, or treated. By recognizing the many risk factors that predispose young women to the development of an eating disorder, nurses can play a vital role in preventing this condition. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the lived experience of those with eating disorders. Phenomenology was used as a research method to interview one adult woman with anorexia nervosa. In order to analyze data from the interview, Giorgi’s method was utilized. Four major themes were identified after analyzing the data. These themes included striving for perfection, succeeding in her profession, conditioning herself to believe she was fat, and living a skinny lifestyle. By examining these themes, one gains a better understanding of the experiences faced when living with an eating disorder.