RT-PCR Survey of Mosquitos in Montana, North Dakota, & South Dakota for the Presence of Cache Valley Virus
Esposito, Paige
Date of Issue
Subject Keywords
Culex tarsalis, mosquitoes, Cache Valley virus
Other Titles
In order to contribute to knowledge of Cache Valley Virus, a virus that causes ovine fetal malformations and stillbirths, this study conducted a survey of six mosquito species in three Northwestern states to determine the primary vector of the virus. Total RNA was extracted from mosquito samples and subjected to reverse transcription PCR to determine if viral RNA was present. Of the 369 samples tested, none tested positive for viral RNA. This outcome suggests either that the virus 1) is not present, 2) may be present at low levels or 3) may be carried by another insect. An increase in sample size may also be necessary to detect the presence of the virus.