The Learning Disabled and Computer-Assisted-lnstruction
Kimm, Sarah
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Not all children can learn at the same rate or through the same methods. Everyone, whether adult or child, male or female, has areas in which they are gifted, average, and deficient. In one way or another, individuals learn to compensate for those areas in which they are impaired. Truly, not everyone can be a Babe Ruth, Albert Einstein, or George Washington; however, when a child's handicap affects his ability to learn, and he knows of no methods to help him compensate for this academic loss, something must be done to help the child. All children are at different levels maturationally and intellectually, even though they may be similar chronologically. Gaps between some children's learning abilities are so wide that learning problems exist. When students' performances do not match their potentials, this is often an indication of the presence of learning disabilities. Many techniques are available that attempt to remediate children's learning problems, but not all work for all students. The purpose of this paper is to identify various learning disabilities and to explore some possible uses of the computer in assisting handicapped children to reach their potentials.