Colors 1991
Carroll College
Irvine, Colin
Irwin, Jeff
Shoenfield, Dave
Imai, Yuki
Dalzell, Lisa M.
Harrant, William
Peoples, Kevin
McCallum, Sheila
Santine, Rachel L.
Date of Issue
Subject Keywords
Other Titles
To my family and friends on graduation day, Colin Irvine 1;
Senses, Jeff Irwin 4;
Untitled, Dave Shoenfield 5;
Dreams, Yuki Imai 7;
Untitled, Lisa M. Dalzell 8;
God goes to the employment office, William Harrant 9;
A poem, Kevin Peoples 12;
Cross on your shoulder, Sheila McCallum 13;
"The Aged", anonymous 14;
"Arachnid", Rachel L. Santine 15;
Goodbye, Tim Norton 16;
Untitled, Justin B. Walsh 19;
Reflections, Herbert H. George 20;
Root of evil, Jeff Irwin 21;
Tunnel Vision, Jim Gianotti 22;
Untitled, Scott Zelenka 25;
You give more than you know, Kathy Kinskey 26;
Waiting for the Spring, Chris Swanz 28;
Amapola, Yuki Imai 29;
Over there***back here, Edward Kennedy 30;
Ponies don't buck, Darcy Lipp 31;
July, Justin B. Walsh 33;
The spirit of the lake, Conley J. Lynch 34;
Nameless, Edward Kennedy 36;
Untitled, Chris Swanz 37;
"Social Commentary", Rachel L. Santine 38;