The Impact of Training on the Human Cat Bond
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Grabowski, Beth
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Cats often get categorized as untrainable due to their reputation for being unreceptive to human interaction. However, despite their independent nature, cats are not exempt from the ability to interact and communicate with humans. Training, at its core, is creating communication between the human and the non-human animal. That communication is key in creating a strong bond between humans and cats as well as navigating disruptions in the home. As such both humans and cats befit from a training relationship. The benefits for the human include increased ability to read their cat’s body language, and an increased ability to direct their cat from disruptive behaviors. The cat will benefit from increased enrichment and confidence. I will demonstrate these benefits using data collected from cat trainers here at Carroll College. I will then discuss ways for training to be used in American households to increase the welfare of the cats and decrease the relinquishment of cats to shelters.