The Effect Of Temperature On the Standard Oxidation-Reduction Potential Of The Ferricyanide-Ferrocyanide System
Schneller, Michael
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It is the purpose of this .investigation to determine the temperature dependence of S°, that is, 3° as a function of the variable T. Prom this data an entropy difference can be obtained for the total cell reaction (2). The entropy data of this investigation will then be compared with the recent work done by R. H. Busey on absolute ion entropies in aqueous solution of the ferricyanide-ferrocyanide couple (3). Also, Debye - Hflckel expressions for activity of salts in aqueous solutions will be computed in terms of ionic strength. The effect of activity on E° will be discussed on this basis (8 ). Finally a brief treatment of reaction mechanism will be discussed with the hope of obtaining a picture of influencing factors directing the reaction process of the ferricyanide-ferrocyanide couple .