Philosophy And The Scientific Method In Sociology
McCarthy, Donald
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The contemporary domination of scientific methods by Positivism has given rise to a controversy in sociological circles. The modern world not only gives precedence to what is scientific, but often excludes the possibility of attaining knowledge by any other means. As a reaction against this many have resorted to the other extreme, and denied the validity of scientific inquiry. Such is the case in the science of sociology.
It is the purpose of this paper to point out the necessity of recognizing both scientific data, and supra-scientific postulates in sociology. It endeavors to make the distinction between the various levels of this science, as regards the utilization of each of the aforementioned. In doing this it will formulate the nucleus of a science, which by utilizing a proper proportion of principle, and empirical data on each of the levels of the science, will formulate the most perfect form of sociology.