4-Pentenoic Acid As An Inducer Of The Symptoms Of Reye's Syndrom In Laboratory Rats
Howard, Jane
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The study includes a summary of clinical manifestations, biochemistry, and pathology of Reye's syndrome as well as potential etiologies and improved modes of treatment. It also explores a model introduced by Glasgow and Chase. Rats injected with A-pentenoic acid were tested for fatty degeneration of the liver, blood ammonia and glucose levels. Dosage size correlated with ammonia level and clinical observation several days following administration of the final dose suggests a completely reversible injury. A dose of 50 mg/kg injected 10 times every A hr best simulated the pattern of ammonia level in patients with Reye’s syndrome. The rats experienced fatty degeneration of the liver, hypoglycemia or normal levels of blood glucose. The study further compares the potential of this model to other methods of research.