S. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Soliloquiorum Libri Duo: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary
Sullivan, John
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St. Augustine was indeed one of the foremost thinkers, not only of the Catholic Church, but of all time. His works are f especial interest to us because he lived is whole life in an important turning point in the history of the West. Karl Adam in St. Augustine, p. 1, says: "Son of a pagan father an Christian mother, he embodies in his own person that disturbed, uneasy period when paganism and Christianity were engaged in the final conflict. In his boyhood rang out the battle-cry of Julian the Apostate, who with a last desperate exercise of force would have wrested the Roman Empire from Christ and restored it to the heathen gods. When he had reached full manhood Augustine was a witness of that pregnant course of events in the Theodosius the Great established the Catholic Church, and bound together for better and for worse the fortunes of Christianity and the Empire, of Bishop and Emperor. And when Augustine came to old age, he saw the division between East Rome and West Rome, and so in a certain sense the birth of the West." Much of Augustine's writings have to do with defending Catholic doctrines against heretical and pagan writings.
In the knowledge of the author, the present work has never before been translated. There is much valuable material included in the two books on epistemology and the author humbly hopes that his treatise will benefit students of philosophy who will take the time to read the work; for in this modern day of education, Latin is no longer studied as it used to be, and there are many students of Philosophy who do not read Latin, I have attempted this work for their especial benefit. Indeed, the works of Augustine are of much benefit for anyone who wishes to advance intellectually and spiritually and no time will be lost for anyone who takes the trouble to read him.St. Augustine was indeed one of the foremost thinkers, not only of the Catholic Church, but of all time. His works are f especial interest to us because he lived is whole life in an important turning point in the history of the West. Karl Adam in St. Augustine, p. 1, says: "Son of a pagan father an Christian mother, he embodies in his own person that disturbed, uneasy period when paganism and Christianity were engaged in the final conflict. In his boyhood rang out the battle-cry of Julian the Apostate, who with a last desperate exercise of force would have wrested the Roman Empire from Christ and restored it to the heathen gods. When he had reached full manhood Augustine was a witness of that pregnant course of events in the Theodosius the Great established the Catholic Church, and bound together for better and for worse the fortunes of Christianity and the Empire, of Bishop and Emperor. And when Augustine came to old age, he saw the division between East Rome and West Rome, and so in a certain sense the birth of the West." Much of Augustine's writings have to do with defending Catholic doctrines against heretical and pagan writings.
In the knowledge of the author, the present work has never before been translated. There is much valuable material included in the two books on epistemology and the author humbly hopes that his treatise will benefit students of philosophy who will take the time to read the work; for in this modern day of education, Latin is no longer studied as it used to be, and there are many students of Philosophy who do not read Latin, I have attempted this work for their especial benefit. Indeed, the works of Augustine are of much benefit for anyone who wishes to advance intellectually and spiritually and no time will be lost for anyone who takes the trouble to read him.