Sociology Senior Seminar


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    Sociology Senior Seminar Presentations 2020
    (2020-11-11) Conroe, Sean; Downey, Nathan; Dutton, Logan; Gamble, Brittany; Pipinich, David; Rasch, Jacob; Dolan, Jamie
    Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m., the Sociology department held its annual Sociology Senior Seminar presentations. Seven seniors presented their culminating research projects ranging from stigma towards addiction in obituaries to the effects of the pandemic on social relationships. Sean Conroe: "The Disabled Proletariat and the Ableist Bourgeoisie" Nathan Downey: "COVID-19 and Interpersonal Relationships" Logan Dutton: "Stressors on Law Enforcement" Brittany Gamble: "Addicted to Stigma: Looking at Use of Stigmatized Language in Reporting Substance Users' Deaths" David Pipinich: "Group Effects of Boredom Proneness on Anxiety & Fear of Missing Out: A Sociological Perspective" Jacob Rasch: "Media Dependency Theory and Gun Control"